Renovation nightmare Journal โ episode 14
So, what did we have this weekโฆ
Here is why nothing has been done in these last 4 weeks and why nothing will be done before tomorrow…
It seems that for renovations you need a letter of commencement from the county you belong to.
What is that letter you are askingโฆ?
Thatโs a good question, just another thing to slow you down, or should I say, stop you all together if you donโt have it.
This letter was supposed to be done with all the other documents for the renovations. Before starting the work you suppose to get this letter from your county. When the inspector is coming to your home he might ask for it and if he does, you should be able to produce it.
We had a few inspections since the beginning of the project but they didn’t ask for this letter. You would think this will give your contractor enough time to make sure this letter is in the papers. Furthermore, since one of the inspectors asked for it before I left the country about a month ago, This was supposed to give the company enough time to get this from the county, a whole month! But still, this was not done. And nothing was done this month, we are just standing still in the same position.
So when I came back I started pushing to get this letter. This takes about a week to get since the county needs to record it (whatever that means)
Why couldnโt we have the inspection this Monday you ask, well in this case, it is not my contractor’s fault, here you should blame Martin Luther King federal day. So, the inspection will be tomorrow.
After that one, we need to have another inspection on Wednesday. For what you are asking, prepare yourself… this is not a joke!
An inspector will be here on Wednesday to checkโฆ. The screws!
YES! Unbelievable isnโt it? They have a special inspection for the screws. We need to use specific ones that they are demanding and to make sure that you are not fulling around they have a particular inspection for it.
So here you go why before Thursday probably nothing will be done hereโฆ
I think this also answers the question of why renovating a small apartment takes so long.
Have a wonderful week guys. I hope we will not be missing or have any loose screws… ๐
Renovation nightmare Journal โ episode 13.
A few things you should know, that I didnโt before you begin renovating your apartment. Read until the end, donโt say I didnโt warn you ๐
It seems that there are silent rules that are known only to the contractor and his crew. They probably assume that everybody knows about them, but in fact, they invented these rules, and the people that are renovating stumble upon them along the way, and they have no idea why these contractors think that it is ok to work by these rules.
In addition, this will answer all my friends that are constantly asking me why it takes so long to renovate a small apartmentโฆ๐
I will list the rules here and if you have never heard about them, I suggest you will remember them in case you are intending to renovate any time soon or in the future.
So, if you didn’t know these rules you should, I spoke to a few people renovating their places, and these rules apply to all.
Please keep this in mind. If you are renovating that means you don’t have a life!
Have a wonderful week everybody. I would love to have your comments here ๐
Renovation nightmare Journal โ episode 12.
How long does it take to fill out an application and submit it to the city? ๐ค
Sorry for not writing anything in the last 2 weeks. I was out of the country and I only came back yesterday. But the nightmare continues in full force.
Can you guess if anything happened while I was gone? Yes, you are right, absolutely nothing! ๐
The only thing they needed to do is to get approval for the electrical changes we are making. Since we need to reconnect to the electrical box we needed to get FPL approval. This required an additional application to be filled out and submitted by the electrician.ย How long does it take to fill out an application and submit it to the city? I really don’t think it should take 2 weeks, even if there are a few holidays in between…
If you are still wondering, no, the application was not filled by the electrician and it was not submitted to the city. Another 2 weeks have gone down the drain.
When I got to my apartment I found a letter from the HOA. Well, if you think the city is annoying and doing everything they can to make your life miserable… well the HOA is much worse! If you are living in an apartment and you are thinking about renovating it, DON’T DO IT! You will be much better off selling it and buying one that is already renovated. Dealing with the city, the HOA, and the workers is a full-time job, and I hope you are not working becouse if you are, you have a problem.
When I left 2 weeks ago I had a problem with one of the toilets, it was not installed correctly and it was leaking, so I was using the other one (lucky me I have 2). When I came back yesterday and I use the other one, it seems that the other one is clogged… So now I have none.ย I was promised that someone will come to fix it today… But no one did. Do you still want to renovate your apartment? Try living in a place with no toilet… ๐๐ฅด
I was very upset since I came back, and I was debating with myself whether I should continue writing this journal. I hope I am helping someone with this.
I am really tired of this. As of now, there is no ending date to this nightmare.
I wish you all a wonderful new year. May this year bring you love, prosperity, health and happiness.
๐ Hi guys, I am happy to share with you a few pictures from my new bathroom. Still no electricity, but the shower is working… yay!
Renovation nightmare Journal โ episode 11.
Finally, I can take a shower in my bathroom, it’s not ready yet, but it’s progress…
The inspector was supposed to come for inspecting the electricity on Friday, but again, didn’t come, didn’t call, and didn’t answer any phone calls. It’s a pattern, they are busy, and they have too many apartments to inspect so they just don’t show up… I hope he will come today, Monday as we were promised he will.
Work has stopped for 2 weeks becouse of that, I hope to have a kitchen in January ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
I have decided to take a break from this renovation, it is exhausting, as I mentioned before I am working 3 jobs. My regular job, supervising the work here and pushing all the time to get some progress. I will be out of the country for the holidays. But no worries, I will keep you posted.
Happy Holidays everyone ๐ท
*Whether you are looking to do renovations in your place, or you already did renovate your place, in that case, you know what I am talking about, you never know when you will need to make some changes to your home, you should read this, it might help you in the near or far future.
The nightmare continues…
So what did we have last week? Great news they finished the bathroom! But don’t get too excited as of yet…
*Whether you are looking to do renovations in your place, or you already did renovate your place, in that case, you know what I am talking about, you never know when you will need to make some changes to your home, you should read this, it might help you in the near or far future.
I managed to shower only once before my shower was shut down again. Yes, I know it is unbelievable. I was taking my time enjoying my new shower… 10 minutes later there was a knock on my door, they were knocking and ringing the bell impatiently. Opening the door I see 2 building maintenance guys saying your bathroom is leaking we came to check it. And they did. After that, I got an email saying I am not allowed to take showers anymore as I am flooding my neighbors until this is fixed. It was Friday afternoon… no one will come to fix it at this time, so of course, this was pushed to Monday ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
I can’t even begin to tell you how upset I was. Waiting for this shower for 2 months, and finally, get it and have it shut down again…
They don’t know what’s wrong, today the plumber is supposed to come to fix it. I just hope they will not have to remove tiles from the wall…
In addition to all that Jazz, all other work was stopped a week ago as we are waiting for our planes to get approved by the city. Why waiting for approval again you are asking?
Well, you should know, every time you make a change to the renovation it has to be approved by the city even if it is an insignificant change. We decided to make the lower ceiling a bit longer instead of only above the kitchen. The inspector checked the plans, yes they do that in each inspection, and this is why we didn’t pass the electrical inspection. Instead, we needed to get the plans modified by the architect, which took a week to get, and then we needed to submit the plans again to the city to get approval, hopefully, we will get approved in 2,3 days. No matter what we do, if everything goes fast we will lose 10 days, if not, we can lose 2, or 3 weeks…
OOPS, it’s Christmas already…
And still, nothing is ready…
Happy Holidays to all of you. I hope to have a shower before Christmas… ๐
Happy Monday everyone.
Episode 9 and I still don’t have a shower or a kitchen ๐
This week we finished the ceiling above the kitchen area and the drywall in the bathroom. Finally, we pass the drywall inspection and we can start installing the tiles.
*Whether you are looking to do renovations in your place, or you already did renovate your place, in that case, you know what I am talking about, you never know when you will need to do some changes to your home, you should read this, it might help you in the near or far future.
last week we had a few inspections, one of which was electric. The electrician waited here from 9 am to 3 pm. No one came. Calling the inspector multiple times also did not help as he didn’t answer. The next day we found out what happened, he was too busy and had too many appointments so he decided that it would be a good idea not to come to the meeting, not to reply to calls, and not to let us know that he is canceling this inspection.
I have no words to describe this ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
I know I always do my best to respect someone else’s time. I tried to be on time when I have a meeting and if I am late, I will call. I don’t know what gives him the right to disrespect us and to treat our time with complete disregard. The electrician and his worker were waiting here for 7 hours, I lost 3 days, becouse the inspection was pushed forward 3 days, and basically, I lost the week becouse he came only Friday and all work will be pushed to Monday.
Another thing you should keep in mind before you start renovating, don’t do the same mistake I did.
When I decided to renovate I was looking for all the materials that I needed. For example, I went to look for a new floor. I found the floor I liked and I bought it becouse I was afraid that they will run out of it and then I will need to start looking again. I didn’t think it will take so long to start the work/ finish the work. Well, it is not finished yet… I had many boxes of floor left since the lady in the store gave me too many boxes, but now I can’t return them becouse 6 months have passed since I bought them and they have a return policy of 90 days. This is not the only material I have that I cannot return.
Also when you buy a few months ahead of time sometimes things are changing and you will find out that either you change your mind about some of the materials or they don’t fit what you need anymore. In that case, you will not be able to return it.
Have a wonderful week, I hope to have my shower done this week ๐
๐ Happy Holidays!
๐ Please keep in mind, when you are renovating, holidays are not your friends.
*Whether you are looking to do renovations in your place, or you already did renovate your place, in that case, you know what I am talking about, you never know when you will need to do some changes to your home, you should read this, it might help you in the near or far future.
As I mentioned before this relates to Apartments/condos, not houses. If you are renovating an apartment, every holiday is a STOP sign. It means no work. the building is closed to workers, sometimes a day before and a day after. In my case, the building was closed on Thursday and Friday. Why Friday you ask? becouse they can. The HOA office decides when to shut down work and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. So last week we had only 3 days of work, out of these 3 days, we had 2 inspections.
About inspections…
When you schedule an inspection, again, no work, you don’t know until the morning of the inspection when the inspector will come. If you are lucky he will be there in the morning and sometimes the workers can keep working after that. If you are not lucky, he will be there in the afternoon meaning, no work that day. Basically last week, I was left with one work day. It’s amazing how easily a whole week is shrinking into one day. I was also sick with the flu, so it was basically a waste of a week.
Not looking forward to the end-of-the-month holidays ๐
Still don’t have a shower and a kitchen… yay ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
Will keep you posted.
Well, it seems that when you are renovating an apartment, the deadline for the project is written on ice.
*Whether you are looking to do renovations in your place, or you already did renovate your place, in that case, you know what I am talking about, you never know when you will need to do some changes to your home, you should read this, it might help you in the near or far future.
This weekend was very challenging for me. Since I started renovating my home every weekend was challenging, but this one was more than the others. The realization that there is no deadline for this nightmare is starting to weigh on me.ย Usually, when you start a project you must have a date when the project will end, a specific project you are working on should not run indefinitely. Well, it seems that when you are renovating an apartment, the deadline for the project is written on ice.
You are probably thinking this is insane and unreasonable, there must be a finish date, a date when the project is done. You are right, I thought so too.
Why there is no such date you are asking? Well, let me tell you why.
If you renovated an apartment – not talking about a house because in a house you will not face the problems you are facing with an apartment/ Condo. You need to keep in mind that you will stumble upon all kinds of obstacles that will pop up whether you are doing everything correctly or not and these obstacles will push the ending date further and further away.
There will always be reasons why the work is getting delayed. If you are working with a contractor, keep in mind that it is never the contractor’s fault, they will never give you a specific date and it will always be depended on something! It could be your fault for asking to change something, or the inspector’s fault that didn’t pass you the inspection and work cannot continue, the building’s office for creating different rules every other day, or elevators that are not working, or the workers that didn’t come, or they did come but they went to buy something in home depot and didn’t come back… and so on and so on.
This weekend I realized that this project is going on and on and I cannot see the end of it, and that made me upset.
Another obstacle that you will be facing is that you will be getting a job, or if you are already working then this will be your 2nd job, whether you want it or not. This job’s name is “The Pusher”.
What or who is “The Pusher” and what he needs to do you are asking? Well, the pusher’s job is to push the contractor/workers/city /HOA office to do the job they were paid to do. I don’t know if it is the same in other places, but here in Florida, if you will not push to get the work done, you will end up renovating a small apartment for up to 1 – 2 years. My neighbor renovated her apartment – smaller than mine, and it took her a year. If you are not willing to be “The Pusher” or you have no time for it, you better get someone who can do this for you otherwise it will take you 2 years to renovate a small apartment.
So what is the situation now?
No kitchen, no shower I cannot have any guests in my home, and I also don’t know when this nightmare will be over!
We are fast approaching the holidays, this week we have Thanksgiving, and we must finish this before the end of the year’s holidays, becouse I have guests coming to visit me at beginning of the new year.
Please pray for me… ๐
Happy Thanksgiving to you all ๐๐โโ๏ธ
* This blog is my experience and my opinion only and it is not to reflect on anyone’s work except my own subjective thoughts and experience.
No, I am not referring to taking things. The workers are really nice and trustworthy. So, what am I talking about?
Renovation nightmare Journal – episode 6
Whether you are looking to do renovations in your place, or you already did renovate your place, in that case, you know what I am talking about, you never know when you will need to do some changes to your home, you should read this, it might help you in the near or far future.
Little progress in the last few days. Nevertheless, I have decided to go back home. Since there are no more big metal electric wires monsters attacking me everywhere, this had been taken care of.
I want you to keep in mind that if you are renovating your home, not only do you need to supervise the supervisor/ or get someone else to do that, but you better not leave anything out of your vision if you want to use it again.
No, I am not referring to taking things. The workers are really nice and trustworthy. So, what am I talking about?
Well to my surprise whenever one of the workers needs something they will take it, and you probably have to through it away after they used it becouse I am sure you will not want to use it again. After I realized that, I gave them a tour of the house pointing out all the things that matter to me.
For example, I had a white towel in my leaving room that turned into a floor wiper. I had another towel next to the since that was used to shut one of the pipes and mind you, not one of the good ones. I would definitely never use that one again. I came home one day to discover my new sofa turned into storage for boxes and stuff. I had to go over the house and point all my stuff telling the workers not to destroy them, please.
I assume the reason that happens is becouse they just don’t think about it. But when you work in a house that is not empty and people are living in it, you should.
So next time you are renovating, keep that in mind.
I want to conclude this episode on a positive note. The only room in the house that is almost ready, not completely ready, but almost.
Here is my half bath before and after.
What do you think?
I left, it was the smart choice ๐
I felt like this would be the right decision. I didn’t think I would need to leave, I was confident I would be able to stay here throughout the renovation but I caved and left on Friday. Things got so bad, everywhere you walk there are electricity cables looking at you. It feels like they are trying to grab you and hurt you…
It seems that if you think you will be able to live in one room it is not so, as many things are connected to each other. On Friday they were working on the electricity and now I have electricity only in one outlet in my room. I had to create a spider-net of cables in order to get important stuff connected. like my fridge.
Please keep in mind this post is coming from my point of view only and it is only my opinion. This was not created to give any instructions or working information to anyone. It is only my story and it needs to be read as such.
Whether you are looking to do renovations in your place, or you already did renovate your place, in that case, you know what I am talking about, you never know when you will need to do some changes to your home, you should read this, it might help you in the near or far future.
Of course, once everything will be done the apartment will look amazing, I have no doubt, but as of now, it is unlivable.
Everybody asks me why they cannot finish everything fast this week. why it is taking so long? That is a very good question which I myself was asking.
Let me explain what’s left for this week…
On Monday they will need to create a better opening for the drain and move a pipe in the bathroom โ 1st day.
Then they need to create a โbedโ for the water to go down correctly, this will be done with concrete that needs to get dry, so they can continue working on it only the next day โ 2nd day.
On top of the bed, they need to put a shower pan, you are asking what is a shower pan. look at the pictures in this post, something there needs to get dry one day as well, 3rd day.
On the 4th day, you need to get it inspected by the city, so you are scheduling an appointment with the inspector to come on Wednesday. Since Tuesday you have no idea when he will come, for that reason, no one will be able to work here that day because for example if he comes at 2 pm and we pass inspection we cannot continue working since the working day of the building is almost over.
So now it is already Thursday. We need to do the dry walls after that and before putting the tiles we will need to get the place inspected again. If I am lucky it will be on Friday, if not it will be on Monday.
As you can see, no tiles before next weekโฆ and this is in case all is moving according to plan and there are no unforeseen problems.
They need to finish the wiring, itโs not clear yet if this will be on Monday or Tuesday, in any case, the inspector will need to inspect the electricity as well on Wednesday.
We are already in Thursdayโฆthey will need to continue the work and do the closing of walls. Once this is done since the nature of the work that they are doing in my place is a bit different than other apartments and I insisted on having an open kitchen, they need a specific bypass that will need the electricity companyโs approval, yes you get it, another inspection – “yay”… This one I cannot know when it will be happening as of now.
Are you still asking why this will not be finished in one weekโฆ๐ค
Donโt worry guys, I will keep you posted.
๐ Hi everyone and thank you so much for following my journal. It was a tough week and very challenging. Unfortunately, almost nothing has progressed here and nothing happened the way it should be. It started with trying to fix the problem with the permit, which we did on Monday morning immediately but this didnโt seem to help too much, since the workers were gone with the wind ๐
Whether you are looking to do renovations in your place, or you already did renovate your place, in that case, you know what I am talking about, you never know when you will need to do some changes to your home, you should read this, it might help you in the near or far future.
Once the workers thought that there was no permit they went to work somewhere else so I was left here with no one here, even though we had all the permits and we just needed to go to the city and show them that all is in order. Then on Thursday, the building decided that it would be a good idea to stop all work and put the building in emergency mode because of the tropical storm Nicole. Nicole came and left and we hardly noticed her, Thursday there was nothing here but still, the building was in emergency mode. So no work has been done.
So everything looks the same, and nothing changed. I have no kitchen, I have no shower,ย and I am still going to shower at friends’ houses. This is a complete nightmare that was not foreseen.
I will add a few photos today, so you will be able to see what it looks like and I will add more in future posts so you will be able to see the progress.
This nightmare is not ending, especially when they took all the walls out in the bathroom and the pipes were left open. Believe me, you would not want to be sleeping here tonight, no one would ๐
I will keep you posted…
2 minutes later, I heard the loud noise of Niagra falls and saw my plumber running out of the bathroom all wet. My back was to the bathroom door, I was turning around and couldn’t believe my eyes.
The nightmare continues in full force continue reading…
Whether you are looking to do renovations in your place, or you already did renovate your place, in that case, you know what I am talking about, you never know when you will need to do some changes to your home, you should read this, it might help you in the near or far future.
Did you know? Even if you have all paperwork and permit from the city the building can still oppose what you want to do with your renovation. I found this the hard way.
The apartment I am living in is from the ’70s. The genius architect that built this building thought it would be a great idea to put the electricity panel on a wall separating the kitchen and the living room. As much as some people like to have a closed kitchen, I like an open floorplan, like most people, and I like to have guests in my home and be able to talk to them with no walls between us. That would be impossible without removing the kitchen walls and making it an open space.
So we made a plan to move the electric panel to a different wall in order to have an open space, we had the architect draw all plans and we got a licensed electrician to add his notes. If you didn’t figure that out before, this will cost you an arm and a leg. Unfortunately, our plan did not seat well with the building property manager and his staff. And they found a way to show me they are not happy.
While all this is happening, my plumber was working on the plumbing in the bathroom. It took the building 4 hours to be able to shut down the water, an action that even if you tried very hard to do slowly can take you 5 minutes. They shut down the water and told us all is good the work, but the water was still running. This went on for 4 hours. Until finally they found the right person that knows what he is doing and the water was shut down. This pleasure cost you in my building $100. Meanwhile, my neighbors are becoming impatient due to the fact that they already have no water for 4 hours. Not my fault, but they didn’t know that.
My plumber was working in the bathroom for 2 hours when a man opened my apartment door, put his head inside the apartment, didn’t bother to go in. didn’t bother to ring the bell, didn’t bother to find out if anybody is hearing him, and asked a question that not me or my plumber heard. While this was going on, I was on Zoom at work with my headset on, and my plumber was making a lot of noise and I was trying to participate in my work meeting. Also, keep in mind that my room and my bathroom are not close to the apartment entrance and you cannot see or hear if there is anyone there.
2 minutes later, I heard a loud noise of Niagra falls and saw my plumber running out of the bathroom all wet. My back was to the bathroom door, I was turning around and couldn’t believe my eyes. Water was pouring out from everywhere, walls ceiling and the whole corridor started to get flooded. Yes, you guessed it right! The genus man who was coming to the door to ask us if he can turn on the building water decided that we said YES sure why not, we all want a swimming pool apartment.
Needless to say, I called the HOA office ASAP shouting with all my strength to send someone from maintenance to shut down the water building immediately as they are flooding my apartment. Later on, I found out that my next-door neighbor and the one below me suffered from this as well.
What a fun day ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
Since this happened, the property manager decided to call the city and complained about the work in my unit about moving the electricity since they got so scared that they sent 6 men to come and see the miracle in action.
So, on Friday afternoon, I got a visit from the city inspector. The guy was very nice, and very nicely he added a sticker to my door that forces me to stop all work until we resolve the issue.
Guys, you tell me, would they have complained to the city if they were not flooding my apartment?