Renovation nightmare Journal – episode 12
Renovation nightmare Journal – episode 12.
How long does it take to fill out an application and submit it to the city? 🤔
Sorry for not writing anything in the last 2 weeks. I was out of the country and I only came back yesterday. But the nightmare continues in full force.
Can you guess if anything happened while I was gone? Yes, you are right, absolutely nothing! 🙈
The only thing they needed to do is to get approval for the electrical changes we are making. Since we need to reconnect to the electrical box we needed to get FPL approval. This required an additional application to be filled out and submitted by the electrician. How long does it take to fill out an application and submit it to the city? I really don’t think it should take 2 weeks, even if there are a few holidays in between…
If you are still wondering, no, the application was not filled by the electrician and it was not submitted to the city. Another 2 weeks have gone down the drain.
When I got to my apartment I found a letter from the HOA. Well, if you think the city is annoying and doing everything they can to make your life miserable… well the HOA is much worse! If you are living in an apartment and you are thinking about renovating it, DON’T DO IT! You will be much better off selling it and buying one that is already renovated. Dealing with the city, the HOA, and the workers is a full-time job, and I hope you are not working becouse if you are, you have a problem.
When I left 2 weeks ago I had a problem with one of the toilets, it was not installed correctly and it was leaking, so I was using the other one (lucky me I have 2). When I came back yesterday and I use the other one, it seems that the other one is clogged… So now I have none. I was promised that someone will come to fix it today… But no one did. Do you still want to renovate your apartment? Try living in a place with no toilet… 🙈🥴
I was very upset since I came back, and I was debating with myself whether I should continue writing this journal. I hope I am helping someone with this.
I am really tired of this. As of now, there is no ending date to this nightmare.
I wish you all a wonderful new year. May this year bring you love, prosperity, health and happiness.