Renovation nightmare Journal – episode 15
Renovation nightmare Journal – episode 15

We finally were able to move forward, remove the old pipes standing in the middle of the leaving room, and fix the floor and now we need to install the new kitchen. These last few months were so stressful, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This would not had happen without my neighbor which is also my friend, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank this neighbor for introducing me to the right people and helping me to get this approval.
I hope we can finish most of the things by the end of this week as I have guests coming here and they are supposed to be staying at my apartment. I know the kitchen is not going to be ready but hopefully, the kitchen will be installed and the place will be organized and clean of all the building materials.
In the pictures, you will see the electrical pipes that were standing in the middle of the living room as a monument for the last few months – those needed to be removed but couldn’t becouse the box on top of this was still supplying electricity to the apartment. Then other pictures of the same area after we removed them. Becouse I wanted an open kitchen we needed to get rid of this wall and pipes, but I must say that if I had known that this will take so much time, I wouldn’t have done that.

hopefully, I will be able to share the kitchen installed by the end of this week 

Have a great week everyone.