Renovation nightmare Journal – episode 4

Renovation nightmare Journal – episode 4

πŸ™Š Hi everyone and thank you so much for following my journal. It was a tough week and very challenging. Unfortunately, almost nothing has progressed here and nothing happened the way it should be. It started with trying to fix the problem with the permit, which we did on Monday morning immediately but this didn’t seem to help too much, since the workers were gone with the wind πŸ™‰

Whether you are looking to do renovations in your place, or you already did renovate your place, in that case, you know what I am talking about, you never know when you will need to do some changes to your home, you should read this, it might help you in the near or far future.

Once the workers thought that there was no permit they went to work somewhere else so I was left here with no one here, even though we had all the permits and we just needed to go to the city and show them that all is in order. Then on Thursday, the building decided that it would be a good idea to stop all work and put the building in emergency mode because of the tropical storm Nicole. Nicole came and left and we hardly noticed her, Thursday there was nothing here but still, the building was in emergency mode. So no work has been done.

So everything looks the same, and nothing changed. I have no kitchen, I have no shower,Β and I am still going to shower at friends’ houses. This is a complete nightmare that was not foreseen.

I will add a few photos today, so you will be able to see what it looks like and I will add more in future posts so you will be able to see the progress.

This nightmare is not ending, especially when they took all the walls out in the bathroom and the pipes were left open. Believe me, you would not want to be sleeping here tonight, no one would πŸ™Š

I will keep you posted…


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